/design/business/personal/ideas/ /desain/arsitektur/ Blog of Raul Renanda www.renanda.com
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Heart Attack!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Cuci Tangan terus...terus..terus..

Note: Sebaiknya dipasang pada "powder room" alias toilet tamu, kenapa? lama-lama kita toh akan bosan, sedangkan tamu kita, tentu akan terkagum-kagum. Toh kita membeli keran ini karena untuk 'show off' right? ;-)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Majalah desain dan interior buat aplikasi sehari-hari...
Majalah apa sih yang bisa jadi panduan desain interior rumah gue?
Jawaban - RR:
Nah, kalo majalah, sekarang sih ude banyak toh majalah2 dan tabloid tentang rumah, saran gue, ikutin aja, gak ada salahnya..kadang kita suka liat majalah asing, tapi, honestly majalah asing itu justru bukan sumber yang baik, kenapa, karena foto2 mereka terlalu canggih sehingga benar2 terlihat lebih bagus dari aslinya dan kadang materialnya tidak ada disini...
Gue sebagai desainer, tentu kesel kalo liat majalah lokal, karena kalo gue yang foto sendiri, hasilnya lebih bagus...tapi rata2 majalah sini (mohon
maaf) tukang fotonya ambil "apa adanya" sehingga tidak pernah sebagus yang tampil di majalah asing....
Tapi kalo diliat dari sudut pandang konsumen, ada baiknya juga...karena "what you see is what you get". Sedangkan majalah asing ya.."what you see in the magazine, is what you see in the magazine - better than reality, a design showcase")
So saran gue, cari majalah lokal, satu tip lagi,
Jangan beli majalah lokal yang baru!!!, kita gak usah malu, silakan beli di toko loak, beli edisi lama...nah beli yang banyak...karena tren desain agak lambat bergerak disini, jadi edisi lama pun benernya masih "in" juga...
..gitu aja saran gue ya...
Si R
Wallpaper is back!!!

Yes, wallpaper is back, namun dalam penyajian yang berbeda. Kita dapat kembali menggunakan elemen dinding ini kembali, untuk memberikan aksen yang berbeda. Hanya ada satu masalah, mencari wallpaper yang 'keren' memang tidak mudah...
Plastic Model...for OLD BOYS (kalo Barbie?)

Sungguh menarik ide ini, terutama buat kita yang memang dulu suka bermain dengan plastic model tentu masih ingat akan bentuk-bentuk komponen model buat 'kit' nya.
Yang dapat kita pelajari disini adalah, bagaimana kita membuat sesuatu yang simpel dari barang-barang sehari-hari dan digunakan untuk keperluan yang berbeda dalam penyajian yang berbeda. Efek yang dihasilkan adalah sesuatu yang 'baru' namun juga sangat 'familiar' sehingga langsung ada 'attachment' antara object tersebut dengan kita.
Pajangan dinding ini, secara tidak langsung memberikan 'anchor' untuk kita yang memang mempunyai memori dengan objek ini, teman-teman wanita, pada umumnya, akan bereaksi berbeda ketika melihat benda ini, nah, kalo saja saya membuat boneka Barbie dalam full size dan saya letakkan dipojok ruang keluarga, well, reaksi kita juga akan berbeda toh? namun bukan karena masa lalu, tapi justru 'ada yang tidak beres' dengan prilaku umur dewasa ini....
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Kalah dengan hasil yang baik?
"There are victories with a poor performance and losses with a great one."
Monday, December 19, 2005
I'm Back
Edisi saat ini saya tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, banyak yang memberi input kepada saya mengenai isi blog ini, terutama dalam bahasa, jadi saat ini BAHASA INDONESIA lebih diaktifkan kecuali pada saat-saat dimana saya merasa lebih 'mood' dalam bahasa inggris, alansannya sebenarnya cukup simple, kebanyakan issue yang dibahas di blog ini, saya dapatkan dari situs-situs dan majalah-majalah yang berbasa inggris, biasanya, pada saat itu, otak saya sudah saya 'switch' dalam bahasa inggris, sehingga cukup sulit untuk meng-arti-kannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
So, saat ini saya coba untuk memberikan yang terbaik, dalam bahasa yang 'enak dibaca'.
Terima kasih.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

28 Years "waiting" is over...was it worth it? maybe we're getting too old...but one thing for sure..DARTH VADER image has a strong 'force' in me...watching Episode III feels dry...until he put the mask...now that's different...I can recall the fear....
In other point of view....suddenly lots of News or Magazine...busy about G.W.Bush - Darth Vader "links"...that's the real phenomenon I think...
Friday, May 13, 2005
DESIGN : Properti Indonesia Magazine
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Milan design fair....
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
DESIGN : NEW ZEALAND is Better By Design...

Trust me, New Zealand will be a design mecca for Asia Pacific!!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Design : Brand..what exactly is a Brand...

Note: From Tom Peters's Blog : Talking about what we think about brand...the interesting part was coming from readers comments...here some of it...
- brand to me is integrity, optimism
- a positive feeling at a physical-emotional-mental-spiritual level.
- Brands are only a figment of a person's imgination. Cloaked with positive attributes...
- about getting benefits from those qualities that are unique on each person
- emotional activators
- enables consumer's to drive congruency between their emotions and feelings
- constantly reinvent yourself
- mental concept.
- It's the word/image we use to associate
- effort to be on the cutting edge
- brand is a relationship
- an image in the mind of the consumer....

Monday, March 28, 2005
Thursday, March 24, 2005
DESIGN : Future of Apple Design
Now, what "design signature" you have?
Think about it

Friday, March 18, 2005
Personal Note : Design Coloumn
Friday, March 11, 2005
DESIGN : Old design IS new design
Personal Note : Business is PERSONAL
Please take a look at Milton's note down there...
Affection, trust and sharing some common ground is the only way good work can be achieved
What I've learn this week is that business always personal; just heard a bad news on the project I've should involve to, while the project still runs suddenly I lost interest of what's going on (because several reason); then I received note from a friend of mine "told" me that in business bad things happened (most of the time - of course) and asked me to cool down because, It just business - don't take it personal. Period.
While I am fully understand the do's and dont's in the business world, there's one thing that always we tend to forget that business is actually very personal.
The motivation is personal, the vision is personal, the energy, the enthusiasm, the love, the hate, the rage, the pain is real. So yes, business is personal.
Do not involve in a business when your heart tell you to not to...
Affection, trust and sharing some common ground is the only way good work can be achieved...
DESIGN :Milton Glaser wisdom...
Note: taken from Milton Glaser
Affection, trust and sharing some common ground is the only way good work can be achieved.
‘Never have a job, because if you have a job someday someone will take it away from you and then you will be unprepared for your old age
Perls proposed that in all relationships people could be either toxic or nourishing towards one another. You have spent some time with this person, at the end of that time you observe whether you are more energised or less energised. If you are more tired then you have been poisoned. If you have more energy you have been nourished.
Professionalism means in most cases is limiting risks. What is desirable in our field (design - creative activity), is continuous transgression. Professionalism does not allow for that because transgression has to encompass the possibility of failure and if you are professional your instinct is not to fail, it is to repeat success. Professionalism as a lifetime aspiration is a limited goal.
If you look at a Persian rug, you cannot say that less is more because you realise that every part of that rug, every change of colour, every shift in form is absolutely essential for its aesthetic success. You cannot prove to me that a solid blue rug is in any way superior.
An alternative to the proposition that I believe is more appropriate. ‘Just enough is more.’
Style change is usually linked to economic factors, as all of you know who have read Marx. Also fatigue occurs when people see too much of the same thing too often. So every ten years or so there is a stylistic shift and things are made to look different. Most good designers have developed a vocabulary, a form that is their own. It is one of the ways that they distinguish themselves from their peers, and establish their identity in the field. How you maintain your own belief system and preferences becomes a real balancing act.
Thought changes our life and our behaviour. I also believe that drawing works in the same way. I am a great advocate of drawing, not in order to become an illustrator, but because I believe drawing changes the brain in the same way as the search to create the right note changes the brain of a violinist. Drawing also makes you attentive. It makes you pay attention to what you are looking at, which is not so easy.
Everyone always talks about confidence and believing in what you do. It makes me nervous when someone believes too deeply or too much. I think that being sceptical and questioning all deeply held beliefs is essential. Of course we must know the difference between scepticism and cynicism because cynicism is as much a restriction of one’s openness to the world as passionate belief is. They are sort of twins.
Schools encourage the idea of not compromising and defending your work at all costs. Well, in our work the issue is usually all about the nature of compromise. You just have to know when compromise is appropriate. Blind pursuit of your own ends which excludes the possibility that others may be right does not allow for the fact that in design we are always dealing with a triad – the client, the audience and you.
The first rule is the best. Rule number one is that ‘it doesn’t matter.’ ‘It doesn’t matter that what you think. Follow this rule and it will add decades to your life.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Personal Note: Help a newbie blogger out (kottke.org)
I found this blog about someone needs fund raising for his daughter very inspiring - especially comments from other people that willing to help!
You're not alone...never....
Monday, March 07, 2005
DESIGN : brand power - LV!!
"I was scared, but I was desperate because he was trying to steal my bag with my precious Louis Vuitton wallet inside,"
(this post stolen fom seth godin blog)

Sunday, March 06, 2005
Business : Crichton lecture
About: Look, this Mr.Drake created a "formula" that can start a "new religion" - SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelegence; read: looking for alien.) That what we "know" just a guess science. But the idea inspires people who like to believe it, and that is a real matters, if we are hoping for something that we think it's "unreasonable"...we need to make it sounds "reasonable"...and that is mean, MAKE SOMETHING BELIEVABLE. and that's enough.
(note: the whole lecture is focusing in communal science vs. real science - if most of the scientists agree on something, it doesn't meaning it's right. I just note some of his "founding" in drake equation, giving me 'different' message)
A lecture by Michael Crichton Caltech Michelin Lecture January 17, 2003
(part of it...)
...In 1960, Drake organizes the first SETI conference, and came up with the now-famous Drake equation:
N=N*fp ne fl fi fc fL
Where N is the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy; fp is the fraction with planets; ne is the number of planets per star capable of supporting life; fl is the fraction of planets where life evolves; fi is the fraction where intelligent life evolves; and fc is the fraction that communicates; and fL is the fraction of the planet's life during which the communicating civilizations live.
This serious-looking equation gave SETI an serious footing as a legitimate intellectual inquiry. The problem, of course, is that none of the terms can be known, and most cannot even be estimated. The only way to work the equation is to fill in with guesses. And guesses-just so we're clear-are merely expressions of prejudice. Nor can there be "informed guesses." If you need to state how many planets with life choose to communicate, there is simply no way to make an informed guess. It's simply prejudice.
As a result, the Drake equation can have any value from "billions and billions" to zero. An expression that can mean anything means nothing. Speaking precisely, the Drake equation is literally meaningless...
(but, This serious-looking equation gave SETI an serious footing as a legitimate intellectual inquiry.)
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Personal Notes : 3 Hotels with 3 Personality...
DESIGN : Wabi Sabi?
Simply put, wabi-sabi is the marriage of the Japanese wabi, meaning humble, and sabi, which connotes beauty in the natural progression of time. Together, the phrase invites us to set aside our pursuit of perfection and learn to appreciate the simple, unaffected beauty of things as they are. Wabi-sabi can be found in the deep cracks of a weathering pine table. It is flea markets, wildflowers, and cobblestones. Intimately tied to Zen Buddhism, wabi-sabi is an aesthetic that welcomes comfort and a subtle spiritual component into the home. It is not a decorating style, per se, but a mind-set. To create a true wabi-sabi environment, one must slowly strip away excess and learn to be satisfied living in the moment.

Friday, March 04, 2005
Business : Speak their language! Business and Sex
Funny things happened.
There was a question from one of my team about business issues and I have difficulties to answer the question, I tried to explain it many times in many ways but didn’t give a right cut. My “audience” keep asking me to elaborate more about it; and I am running out of ammo, couldn't find any betterway to explain the answer. So I decided to let it go, keep it open at that time, and then we back to our “favorite” conversation about women and sex (of course!).
Suddenly, out of nowhere, from one of the silly joke about sex, strikes me an idea about a way to answer their previous question (about business). Then I use the sexual term and tell the joke about one particular sexual activity; surely all of them listened to my interesting story very clearly, and voila! I put the same analogy from that nasty sex story to answer that previous business question; the result is; now they’re understood! Duh!
So that experience gave me an Idea about creating a book or a session, using sexual term, story and jokes to explain and inform all the things about business world. By using “new language” that people interested and ‘care’ about (one of it of course, SEX), it is easier, effective, and most of the time, I believe it almost a perfect analogy to explain, even for the most confusing business world question!
Simplify it! Speak their "language!"
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
DESIGN : design as general language....symbolism
...nobody "listen" to them....
not that people don't care with the issue, but probably, if we push people to 'sit down and shut up!' then people willing to hear what you've done, but you can't keep asking people to do it, and most of the case you also don't have the power to do it; so how to make them listen and care about it without keep 'asking' them to?
you have to speak their 'languange'....get them through what's important to them, coz you know, people have their own problem and other things to care about...then you should implement strategy so the people have a reason the hear more about you, by 'connecting' what's important to them, and to you....
(and) design is one of the tools that you can implement as 'connecting device'...
for example; Sony-Ericsson. Ericsson, by reputation has long experience creating very good product in telecommunication, they have technology that proven works - but at the same time they fail to 'sell it in the market' (thanks to Nokia) . For the buyers that care about telecommunication technology -ericsson has do more than enough, but how many of us really care about it ?(my wife, surely not) she doesn't care about those "additional" capabilities, for her, mobile phone is a, mobile phone, period. so why she has to upgrade the phone that she has to "better one"? - it still works right? she still could make a call....so while (long...long time ago) ericsson tries to introduce their new product, people didn't really care about it..or even willing to change their current phone at that time....so that's why Ericsson fail in the market.
Sony in the other hand, has a very, very clever way to have an emotional attachment with their users, imagine, how many walkman models last time their introduced? while ALL OF THEM has the same feature; a tape player....and Sony keep the numbers of walkman selling rising up....that's because Sony, could see through what's important in the people's mind...the reason to buy new walkman...not only as a tape player...but as a status symbol...it simply because you wear it in the public, then your friend could see you with this 'cool gadget' and they know that 'it's expensive' - so by wearing Sony product, you are the 'cool and expensive' person, or person who worship 'coolness and expensiveness' ....Sony acting as more than people who sells technology, they are the people that 'serve' your needs...being cool and hip through...their products...
So when Ericsson merge with Sony (a very clever strategy - look my writing about podbrick down there) they (ericsson) manage to create a "connection" between their expertise to what people need...and Sony excell this connection/emotional relation between product and user through....DESIGN.
Design; simply put, a bridge between what's important to you and what's important to other people....so they will listen to you...
Monday, February 28, 2005
Personal Notes : Formula One...
20 Mar Malaysia Sepang
3 Apr Bahrain Bahrain
24 Apr San Marino Imola
DESIGN : from Tom Peters power point presentation....
Welcome to the Age of “Ohmygod!”
The 3B Problem:Better But Boring!
“While everything may be better, it is also increasingly the same.”
You are paid to lead. So … lead!
Design: The No.1 Source of Passionate Attachment!
Design is never neutral
DESIGN is the principal difference between love and hate.
Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation-steve jobs
Design is a Great Story!
Design is a way of demonstrating how beautiful something can be. It has a very profound quality.
Design is a way of changing life and influencing the future
Great Design is Respectful
Great Design = WOW! + GRACE
… allows you to dream dreams you could never have imagined before!
“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend or not.”Isabel Allende
“I don’t think there’s anything worse than being ordinary.”American Beauty
Great design = One-page business plan
Personal Notes: Weight Control....
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Personal Note: Goodbye Terrada, Hello Desairenanda
Now, I am continuing what me and my partners dream about...
Same vision-better package-groundbreaking...Desainrenanda
Million thanks to my partners...for your support all this time....I couldn't be here without you guys! it's time to move on... ;-)
*Personal Note: Interview about myself on Korean Design Magazine....
I have an interview for Korean Design Magazine - archiclub.co.kr ; very interesting but mostly, it's about CG (computer graphics) and it also contain my design background and idea....
Thank God, they also put it in english...otherwise I could'nt understand what's inside!! ;-)
Oops!! : Architects are the most miserable professionals, according to a new survey
HAIRDRESSERS are the happiest employees while social workers and architects are the most miserable professionals, according to a new survey
EXCERPT from Scotsman.com (click here for full news)
Architect Richard Murphy, who runs his own firm in Edinburgh, said: "I myself am actually very happy and I think I can speak for my staff too, though as a profession it is hopelessly paid.
"Architects do suffer massive frustrations as the years go by and they are always having battles with such bodies as Historic Scotland as well as all the planning hoops you have to jump through.
"A lot of graduates study architecture at university without really realising what they are signing up to later in life. Being an architect is much more of a calling than a profession."
1 Hairdressers - 40% happy
2 Clergy - 24%
3 Chefs/cooks - 23%
4 Beauticians - 22%
5 Plumbers - 20%
6 Mechanics - 20%
7 Builders - 20%
8 Electricians - 18%
9 Florists - 18%
10 Fitness instructors - 18%
11 Care assistants - 18%
12 Healthcare professionals -17%
13 Media - 16%
14 Chartered engineers - 15%
15 Pharmacists - 15%
16 Scientists/R&D - 15%
17 Butchers - 14%
18 DJs - 13%
19 Interior designers - 9%
20 Travel agents - 9%
21 Teachers - 8%
22 Bankers - 8%
23 Accountants - 7%
24 IT specialists - 5%
25 Lawyers - 5%
26 Secretaries - 5%
27 Estate agents - 4%
28 Civil servants - 3%
29 Architects - 2%
30 Social workers - 2%
Friday, February 25, 2005
DESIGN : Re-Creating New Product
Let's think about it...
What other thing than LEGO & IPOD that we could re-create it?
Here's the concept: Merge two great product into one. Lego act as strong foundation, it has a solid ground and proven product but at the same time loosing it's edge; Ipod is totally a fad with no (sorry Apple lovers...) strong foundation, it has a great extension possibilities (look at their accessories!!) . Now, combining those two product will create a better strong product (well, not at that stage in case of Podbrix)...
..you also can figure it out from SONY-ERICSSON team...BALLY-MERCEDEZ BENZ...

Thursday, February 24, 2005
BUSINESS : best business movie?
If that movie inspires you...try Citizen Kane
or better get the DVD...and see the features...the real story behind the movie somehow very interesting....
This blog topic stolen from : INC.
The Aviator
It�s a Wonderful Life
Citizen Kane
Wall Street
Tucker: The Man and His Dream
Glengarry Glen Ross
What Women Want
Working Girl
The Hudsucker Proxy
The Insider
DESIGN : The Top 100 Gadgets of All Time
Mobile PC - Features - The Top 100 Gadgets of All Time
Lesseeee......These are "gadget" that I (used to) have from the list...
15.SKIPPED THE IPOD (YEAH....) - (NO.12)
17? (not really...i cheated little bit...) well..less than 20%! so I think I''m still okay....better let my wife know about it...that I still "a normal" person right? (or maybe, I have 73 new things in my list - things to buy!!!) ;-)
LIFE : is Tsunami Disaster "hype" over???
BUSINESS : Stay there....Designmatters....
R: It so hard to do...people keep pushing my down...but I have to stick what I believe as my real purpose in life, well..until now... ;-)
BUSINESS : More Blog, More Reader?
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
DESIGN : From Book; Architectural Theory
their medium is called imagination. Yet whereas the painter simulates a new world, the architect intervenes in the real one, thereby establishing new realities.
All architectural designs contain a kind of utopian core; they renounce what is, in favor of what will or should be.
That said, the blueprint for the future must coexist with present reality;
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
STRANGE WORLD - Lost Child and Emotional Connection
Now at 6.45 pm read the online news (www.detik.com) about the story of rapedand mudered child...that was the same child....
Email just make things smaller, and we...suddenly lives in a very conneting world, in a deeper sense of it, emotional connection.
To Feby's Family - my deepest condolence.
Email Looking for Feby @ 12.54pm=
> Dear teman-teman,>
> Kalo boleh minta tolong bantuannya untuk sebarkan
> email ini.> keponakan gue namanya:> Febrina Purnama Sari Harahap (FEBI)>>> Kemarin (17 Feb), Febi pergi ke toko buku dekat rumah.> Pada saat jalan menuju rumah, tetangga gue melihat dia> dihampiri seorang laki2x (gak dikenal)....etc...
News about Feby @ 6.45 pm =
Bocah 11 Tahun Febi Diduga Diperkosa Lalu Dibunuh
Lima hari menghilang dan diduga diculik, Febi ditemukan membusuk. Olah TKP menyebutkan ada kemungkinan bocah 11 tahun itu diperkosa lalu dibunuh.
DESIGN : Built Quality vs, Delivery Time