/design/business/personal/ideas/ /desain/arsitektur/ Blog of Raul Renanda www.renanda.com

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

STRANGE WORLD - Lost Child and Emotional Connection

At 12.54 pm I received an email (typical forwarder email) about someone lost her child......suddenly I miss my children...

Now at 6.45 pm read the online news (www.detik.com) about the story of rapedand mudered child...that was the same child....

Email just make things smaller, and we...suddenly lives in a very conneting world, in a deeper sense of it, emotional connection.

To Feby's Family - my deepest condolence.

Email Looking for Feby @ 12.54pm=

> Dear teman-teman,>
> Kalo boleh minta tolong bantuannya untuk sebarkan
> email ini.> keponakan gue namanya:> Febrina Purnama Sari Harahap (FEBI)>>> Kemarin (17 Feb), Febi pergi ke toko buku dekat rumah.> Pada saat jalan menuju rumah, tetangga gue melihat dia> dihampiri seorang laki2x (gak dikenal)....etc...

News about Feby @ 6.45 pm =

Bocah 11 Tahun Febi Diduga Diperkosa Lalu Dibunuh
Lima hari menghilang dan diduga diculik, Febi ditemukan membusuk. Olah TKP menyebutkan ada kemungkinan bocah 11 tahun itu diperkosa lalu dibunuh.

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