/design/business/personal/ideas/ /desain/arsitektur/ Blog of Raul Renanda www.renanda.com
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Korean Design? China Design?
"The other thing I noticed in Henley Waitrose was how much better the old CR-V looked. Even dirty and battered as they mostly were. The one thing that isn't middle ground about the new CR-V is its looks, and that rear glass area is the stuff of Korean design nightmares."
It well said, somebody has to say it. We're not talking about Samsung here, where we can consider as the only Korean product that "gets it". I don't know why is so hard to understand the beauty of some product, I'm sure that even at the executive in Ssangyong, Hyunday and KIA agrees that Porsche, Ferrari, Acura, Lexus, Jaguar and the list go on, as a nice looking car(s). While I believe there are millions of young designer around the world, why is so hard to create such a nice looking car for Korean (and worst, Chinese) brand? I don't think there is a technology gap here, it is the brain matters.
So, while designing your own product, or see your company logo, or just simply dress to kill, think that does it enough to be sitting next to the 'world class brand' , and don't be so hard like Apple and Sony, but if you can, why not?
Monday, November 27, 2006
Simply Amazing....Jak Jazz

I am not happy the Jak(arta) Jazz Festival show "quality", the artist and bands not as great as the 'ol Jak Jazz...I was hoping this is more "into the core" of the Jazz performance compared to the commercialized Java Jazz...but there are "masters" who help saving my day, Indra Lesmana (me as a fan-atic) Bubi Chen, Jeremy Monteiro and of course Luluk Purwanto....
Indra play to discontruct his own music, maybe this time he'd rather goes to free jazz...as the song titled Joy-Joy-Joy brings back my high school memory, he played as he "whatever he like" last night, I'm not happy at all...little structured should be better I think, than too free..for the kinda song. Sadly I have to give thumbs down. On the other hand...My love with Luluk and Renee is greater ever...the song "Aisha" with African touch makes me a happy man!
Nevertheless, my first love was Indra Lesmana, and as a "lover" I think I better give him a break. ;-)
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Curve is back....

..and Ferrari...

It's been a while I haven't blogged about design, why, because it is actually I can't find new design topic. Everything seems the same, and stand still, those "minimalist" and "modernist" approach seems too much. Until today.
Yes these two cars been a while since it's debut, but I found something "moving" on, as you can see, the Lamborghini (the grey one) still based in "edgy straight line" design, which is a softer approach of the minimalist design, as you also can see that somehow it looked like the Boeing design for the US jet fighter.
Now, the Ferrari (yes, the RED one), shown in the picture, also their lovely 599, give us a glimpse where the design will going to, "sharp curve" design is Back. BMW's bangle, also looking to this direction, but he was doing it too early, no wonder lot's of people hate it (well I don't) , they just do not ready for something new (yet).
So, my prediction is that this Ferrari will set a new design direction for the near future., we'll see.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
From Seth G ..with comments from me...
Raul = Change is the only constant, some people asking me why I'm doing many things at the same time...designer, architects, graphics, photography, singing, music composing, painting, designing furniture, writing a novel, and yes, movie script...while at the moment only design/architecture that takes off, the rest just waiting the right timing. Luck = Opportunity + Preparation. I am preparing.
2. The greatest marketers do two things: they treat customers with respect and they measure.
Raul = It is not only being a marketer, hence we are all marketers in some ways...but it is indeed being a good human being is helping you to be become a good marketers, yes there are people doing dirty and get result quickly. No, I am not sprinter, I am a marathoner.Watch out.
3. The greatest salespeople understand that people resist change and that ‘no’ is the single easiest way to do that.
Raul = we can't expect people to change unless it starts from ourselves. And while we try to change ourselves, then we do agree that it's not easy.
4. The greatest bloggers blog for their readers, not for themselves.
Raul = me, not "that" great, maybe because my half intent doing this blogging "also" to remind myself.
5. There really isn’t much a of ‘short run’. It quickly becomes yesterday. The long run, on the other hand, sticks around for quite a while.
Raul = Back to the sprint vs marathon in point no.2
6. The internet doesn’t forget. And sooner or later, the internet finds out.Raul = which brings you to right question, does internet remember the bad part or the good part? google "raul renanda" now, and finds it by yourself.
7. Everyone is a marketer, even people and organizations that don’t market. They’re just marketers who are doing it poorly.
Raul = Practice makes perfect. Doing it 'poorly' still better than not doing it at all, make mistake now! and learn from it, quickly, and doing it again..
8. Amazing organizations and people receive rewards that more than make up for the effort required to be that good.
Raul = just focus on beat your self. we are racing with ourselves. then the reward will come.
9. There is no number 9.Raul = but it's written anyway. Not all that we read is necessary, to read.
10. Mass taste is rarely good taste.
Raul = don't tell me this. I KNOW IT.that's why you better to hire me, NOW. ;-)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
It's good to know that I am wrong....

www.renanda.com has been online almost a year, and I also planning to revamp it next month for 2007.
It is still not consider as a perfect website, but at least it does the job, delivering my works to the world. Anyway, no one complaining about my website and I thought I works well, until....last night. It so amazing that while I chat whit two my best friend via online messenger, none of them, know what to do with the "menu" button.
If they don't know what to with it (that simply just clicked it and the menu expands to sub menu i.e. "gallery, contact, etc.) how can they access my gallery? and If those two which I believe pretty savvy with computer don't know what to do, how about the 'rest of the world'? surely there still many of the people visit the website know what to do, but then again, the purpose of the website is to show to ALL the visitor right? I rush to the website, and change the menu into the "traditional" one. The one that I believe "get the job done".
So now, I really, truly understand the words "bottom line design" means. So sorry. Again, how we can improve ourselves if no body tells us what's wrong with us? be open mind, and let people criticizing you, the people who tell you what's wrong with you, is your best friend....
Monday, November 13, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Just let the Pro' doing his things...
The crowd were busy with themselves, they keep talking to each other 'coz they rarely meet each other, and not put much attention to the stage, this is not a new situation for me, I know this will happen as we sing on the stage and the people didn't care about it. So based on that 'knowledge', when I was on the stage, I thought that I can control the situation, I said "assalmualaikum" pretty loud, no one cares, at the second time..it also the same...well, I giving up..and gave the microphone to Irang Arkad, one of the vocalist in Baron & Kafilah...when he took the mic and start to sing, the the crowd as loud as hell, Irang said "assalmualaikum...", it's not louder than me, and compared to me, I was standing, and Irang was sitting on then bench..and guess what, the crowd silenced for a while.
At that moment on stage, I was thinking to myself,
It's the same stage, same moment, same people, even, same "words"...but the effect was, very different. Some says, "it's how you say it". Me says, "it's how professionally you do it". It is very clear that Irang IS the real singer and artist, and me? a designer playing as a singer. It's not the same. Not the same.
So, if we thing we can do it the same thing as what the professional do, think again. We're not. Focus, determination, experience, and life-death matters here. Irang do singing as his main job, me do sing, 'coz I like it to. It's not the same.
Think it over, so It goes with me as designer/architect. Many of my client, think, especially about interior and building their own hosue, think they know better or at least equal the architect, or they know/trust someone better. But then again, because I sleep, I breathe, I dream about design every single time God giving me, I know, I am the Pro.
Please, let the Pro, do their job...and you can sleep, eat better.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Company Profile 2006
Raul Renanda Company Profile 2006
note: ada versi 6mb yang lebih jelas untuk di print...kalo mau please email saya, design@renanda.com
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Rumah Bangka
Ini foto Rumah Bangka yang selesai September ini...setelah sekian lama menunggu untuk dapat direnovasi sesuai dengan yang saya rencanakan...alhamdulillah tercapai juga, thanks buat TY dan Aldev!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Raul Renanda Photography

Sudah lama saya punya "stok" foto-foto yang saya ambil beberapa tahun silam, namun "tidak sempat" diutak-atik dan dibuat presentable secara online...kebetulan beberapa hari ini saya ada waktu untuk melihatnya kembali...dan sekarang sudah online...
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