/design/business/personal/ideas/ /desain/arsitektur/ Blog of Raul Renanda www.renanda.com

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Design : Google is deceptive!

Dari Don Norman tentang Google:

Is Google simple? No. Google is deceptive. It hides all the complexity by simply showing one search box on the main page. The main difference, is that if you want to do anything else, the other search engines let you do it from their home pages, whereas Google makes you search through other, much more complex pages. Why aren't many of these just linked together? Why isn't Google a unified application? Why are there so many odd, apparently free-standing services?"

...dan juga...

"Why is Google maps separate from Google Earth? (Oh, those were purchased from different companies. Yes, but why should I, the user, care about the history of Google's acquisitions?)"

...OKE..dari kedua alinea diatas, Don Norman berkomentar tentang bahwa Google is tidak simpel, mereka hanya "menyimpan" hal yang kompleks dibelakang layar....namun juga di berkomentar tentang google map dan earth dengan berkata "the truth""orang tidak perduli (dengan sejarah bisnis Google)"

Kedua pernyataan tersebut benar menurut saya, namun ia juga lupa menyimpulkan hal yang sungguh mendasar, mengapa Google sukses...yaitu

"People just don't care about the truth"

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