/design/business/personal/ideas/ /desain/arsitektur/ Blog of Raul Renanda www.renanda.com

Friday, April 28, 2006


Linknya disini...

hebat..hebat..hebat....well....I have to ask myself, did my 'architectural' projects reach the level of 'design that serves the bottom line"?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Well...just another dot com of me... www.desainrenanda.com cuman link aja kok saat ini ke www.renanda.com...lesse apa bisa kita bikin yang menarik disana..well..kalo ada waktu... ;-)

Book : What Ever You Think....

Nice!...20 minutes read, fun...and worth thinking about laaaaa.... ;-) beli di kino p.senayan...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I lost my squidoo!!!

Weird! squidoo/renanda adalah web tentang informasi yang cukup mendetail mengenai diriku, yang merupakan sebuah "CV" yang dapat dibaca oleh pengunjung website www.renanda.com, setelah saya cek, ternyata website tersebut hilang!! untungnya saya membuat squidoo backup yang kini anda dapat lihat untuk sementara waktu.

Mohon maaf, dan ada baiknya saya meng-email team squidoo.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Design : Architect.

Here's the link...

"....Of course, this was not the case. The architect did not set out to design something to make you feel uncomfortable. What is the case is that the architect did not start with enough abstract thinking — which meant that, ultimately, in his attempt to break new ground (if you can forgive yet another pun), he relied too much on the physical, and not enough on the emotional. The result is discomfort.

When you design, please remember that, although most people can think structurally, everyone feels abstractly. If you aren't able to think about abstractions when you begin a design, you will never be able to control the way people feel when they visit your buildings."

"... An architect designs the visual appearance of structures: how they are arranged in space. He selects building materials, for both external and internal needs. He designs lighting systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems, plumbing systems, furnishings, and decorations.....

... However, thinking about ideas and patterns in a spatial manner is only one way to see the world. The best architects are also able to see the world in a totally different way: as a collection of abstractions that fit together in non-physical patterns. In other words, the best architects are able to think both structurally and abstractly, often at the same time."